Friday, 25 December 2009


sorry bth nda post bz saja huhu bukan bz apa i nvr knw kalau kolor using photosop apa ne pyh hehe ne baru th siap gaaga

oh yeaH ari atu went to ezzy printing tanya pasal printing n size n pages n wat kind of paper sudh n the price alum lagi tau by today(saturday)_ baru durg call huhu

honestly my confident masa ne makin bkurangan udh utk publish antah takut saja huhu

bh now i post cover AMBUYAT MAN insyAllah iatah jadi cover buku huhu n pls do comment hehe

1 comment:

  1. Note*: Sorry ah klau ku ckp dlm bahasa inggeris. Karau masih dri UK.

    From the looks of it, it needs more "smooth" lines. It looked like something made from MS Paint. I suppose your maybe new. Either way, whatever you want your cartoon story to go, best of luck.

    Also by looking at it, it seems more to be a comedy superhero cartoon. And here I was hoping for cool action figure. Like a glutinous paste-like body, wearing that malay warrior hat, and a Tong Fa equipped as a weapon. (The Tong Fa is like 2 sticks that swings around when you move them.)

    But still, if this is your creation, I'm looking forward to it. By the way, good luck on your studies in KL! :)
